Ecommerce CRO Audits

Know exactly where & how to improve your website.

Get a customized checklist of recommendations and 90-day improvement plan. Our conversion rate optimization audits are delivered in just 5 days.

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Evaluation ratings on common ecommerce website elements

Why us?

Get to the heart of your customers' needs.

Consumers make purchases based on emotions—that's a fact. So why do so many retailers focus solely on data to drive sales?

We've evaluated over 1,100 ecommerce websites and developed a model that quickly assesses online stores for the elements that are crucial to building customer relationships.

Learn About Our Model →
Poster of The Masterpiece Model


Take the guesswork out of optimizing your website.

We'll give you a complete understanding of where your ecommerce customer journey needs improvement, along with expert recommendations based on thousands of evaluations, experiments, and user testing sessions.

Evaluation checklist illustration

Ecommerce Checklist

Know exactly where to make improvements.

You'll get a complete 84-point checklist of how your website performs across vital customer journey touchpoints, along with recommendations for how areas of improvement can be optimized for more sales.

Evaluation video walkthrough illustration

Evaluation Walkthrough

Watch a video breakdown of our findings.

In addition to your full report, you'll get a video walkthrough that helps you understand, in detail, how your store design and content could be optimized to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales.

90-day action plan illustration

Optimization Strategy

Get a 90-day action plan based on your evaluation.

We'll prioritize our recommendations so you can start getting results quickly. Based on our experience in design and development, we'll help you understand how long it could take.

Messaging interface illustration

Ongoing Guidance

Ask us questions & get support for up to 30 days.

Our approach to collaboration provides the effectiveness of meetings without taking time from your day. Ask questions and get support up to 30 days after your evaluation, right in your client dashboard.

Delivery Timeline

Get your evidence-based action plan in just a matter of days.

Woman on laptop at a table outside

Day 1

Kickoff Meeting

We'll ask you about your audience & your team so we have the context we need to audit your website & make recommendations.

Day 3

Audit Delivery

We'll conduct your audit, report findings in an Airtable document, and record walkthrough videos of key insights.

Day 5

Action Plan Delivery

We'll provide specific recommendations and a prioritization schedule of improvements based on potential revenue impact.

Days 6–36

Ongoing Support

We'll be available via your client dashboard to answer questions and guide your team through the first 30 days of execution.


Know exactly where to improve with a risk-free CRO audit.

UX Evaluation

We'll assess your user experience & content for potential conversion issues.



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Analytics & Usability Audit
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84-Point Website Evaluation
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Video Walkthrough(s)
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Itemized Recommendations
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90-Day Action Plan
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30 Days of Ongoing Support
Get Started for free →

Comprehensive Audit

We'll assess your analytics & heatmaps in addition to your full website experience.



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Analytics & Usability Audit
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84-Point Website Evaluation
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Video Walkthrough(s)
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Itemized Recommendations
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90-Day Action Plan
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30 Days of Ongoing Support
Get Started for free →

Our pay-what-it's-worth guarantee

If our work doesn’t meet your standards, you can pay us what you feel it was worth—or pay us nothing.

No one should have to pay for a service they're unhappy with. Also, we're confident that the work we do will have a positive impact on your brand's growth.

Why are there different plans?

Some businesses have a good handle on their analytics & qualitative feedback tools, so we're only hired to provide insights on potential conversion roadblocks.

Others need us to look under the hood for reporting issues that could be sending optimization efforts in the wrong direction.

We don't judge! We just provide solutions.